Navigating The Coming Distressed Debt Moment
By: Matthew Wiederrecht Nothing lasts forever—a sentiment the bond market is in the process of relearning as bond yields and borrowing costs start to rise. Since the financial crisis, low-interest rates have been two sides of the same coin for companies and investors....
The Looming State and Local Government Inflation Hangover
By Matt Wiederrecht The difference between good decision-making and bad luck for markets and policies often comes down to timing—a lesson we believe state and local governments (SLGs) may soon learn the hard way. Scan the headlines and you will find no shortage of...
The $900 Billion State and Local Government Opportunity
By: David Barrosse April 24, 2022 — One of the fastest-growing areas at Capstone is working with companies that sell to state and local governments (SLGs). Covid recovery funds, municipal financing, and the $1 trillion infrastructure bill passed by Congress earlier...
States Throwing Their Weight Around
April 5, 2021 – Former Supreme Court Justice Salmon P. Chase (1808-1873) notably said, “States’ rights died at Appomattox.” The quote speaks to the country’s propensity for hyperbole around the age-old states’ rights debate. But it also speaks to the duration of...