Why a Reconciliation Package Will Still Pass
By: Max Reale January 25, 2022 — President Biden and the vast majority of Congressional Democrats are desperate for a legislative victory on some—frankly any—of the priorities they set out to tackle when they launched the FY22 reconciliation process late last summer....
Beyond Build Back Better: The Busy Year Ahead
By: Cordell Eddings January 16, 2022 — If you were hoping for a quieter, less contentious, more predictable 2022, we think you’ll be disappointed. You, and everybody else. Social scientists and cultural critics have noted the rise in nostalgia during the...
Why Companies Are Trapped Between Hostile Political Parties
By David Barrosse January 2, 2022 — There can be little doubt that political polarization is increasing globally. Opinion polls, public voting patterns, and the actions of political elites tell a clear story of accelerating political polarization in North America and...
From Bubbles to Politics: A Better Science of Prediction
By: David Barrosse, CEO December 15, 2021 — As I have mentioned before, Capstone is in the prediction business. We predict what the future policy world will look like and then create a strategy for our clients that matches that future. Understanding how the future may...