Manchin’s Law: The Path Forward for the Infrastructure Bill
By: Max RealeSeptember 7, 2021 — Everything was lined up perfectly for Democratic leadership in Congress to deliver President Biden two major legislative accomplishments – the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal (BID) and the FY22 Reconciliation Bill (Recon 2) – by Monday,...
Showing Our Work: How Capstone Pursues Accuracy in Predictions
By David Barrosse, CEOAugust 17, 2021 — Fundamentally, we do two things at Capstone. We make policy predictions, and then we model how those predictions will impact companies or sectors. However, the prediction business has a very poor reputation, especially in the...
The Road Less Traveled: Democrats’ Byzantine Plan to Pass Bipartisan Infrastructure AND Reconciliation Legislation
June 27, 2021 — Two legislative roads diverged in a divided Congress, and the Biden administration is attempting to take the one less traveled by. The question is will it make all the difference?With the White House’s endorsement of the bipartisan infrastructure...