Carbon Capture Permitting Challenges Linger, but 45Q Tax Credits to Remain a Tailwind
August 5, 2023 By Adam Cotterill, Energy Analyst Capstone recently attended the CCS/Decarbonization Project Development, Finance & Investment Summit in Houston, where we identified several trends that we believe will likely play out in the carbon capture,...
Germany’s Softening Blue Hydrogen Stance a Positive for Producers
August 4, 2023 By Charlotte Bucchioni, EU Energy Analyst EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Capstone believes Germany’s 26th July revision of its hydrogen strategy—most notably the softening stance toward blue hydrogen—provides significant tailwinds for US blue hydrogen...Bloomberg: Biden’s Biodiesel Quotas Scorned by Makers of Fat-Based Fuel

Why the Price of Batteries, and the Energy Transition, May be Poised to Rise
By Andrew Gier, CFA, Capstone Energy Analyst Batteries have been hailed as a sort of “Swiss Army Knife” for the energy transition. They balance the intermittent nature of wind and solar, can alleviate transmission constraints in an era when the difficulty of building...