Daniel K. Tarullo is Nomura Professor of International Financial Regulatory Practice at Harvard Law School, where he teaches financial regulation, international economic law, and the required first-year course in Legislation & Regulation. He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. From January 2009 to April 2017 he was a Member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. As oversight Governor for supervision and regulation, he led the Board’s financial regulatory reforms and revamped the Federal Reserve’s approach to the supervision of systemically important financial institutions. Professor Tarullo had extensive government and academic experience prior to his nomination to the Federal Reserve. From 1993 to 1998, he served, successively, as Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business affairs, Deputy Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, and Assistant to the President for International Economic Policy. Earlier in his career he was Chief Employment Counsel to Senator Edward M. Kennedy. Between periods of government service, Professor Tarullo has taught at Georgetown and Harvard Law Schools.

Daniel Tarullo
Senior Adviser